Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
- Consider:
- Cushioning
- Low, broad heels for better support and stability
- Latex rubber soles for better flexibility and comfort
- Flat shoe, wide in the toe box
- Heels no higher than 2"
- Size – don’t wear shoes that are too small for your feet can cause bunions (e.g., swelling at big toe joint)
Smelly shoes:
- Cut off the leg portion of panty hose
- Place plain dry kitty litter in the foot part of the panty hose
- Place in the shoe overnight
- Discard kitty litter
Tight shoes:
If leather shoes are too tight:
- Put a plastic bag inside the shoe
- Fill the bag with water
- Seal the bag
- Place the shoe in another plastic bag
- Seal the outer bag
- Place in freezer for approx. 24 hours
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