Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
Before investing:
- Pay off consumer loans (car, etc.)
Keep no more than a percentage approx. equal to your age in fixed-income investments
Try to invest only in socially-conscious stocks and mutual funds
Don’t invest in anything you don’t understand
Don’t invest in anything quickly
Don’t hold onto an investment for sentimental reasons
If you consider yourself an aggressive investor:
Invest a percentage of your investments in stock funds which is equal to 120 less your age; invest the rest in bonds
If you consider yourself a moderately aggressive investor:
- Invest a percentage of your investments in stock funds which is equal to 110 less your age; invest the rest in bonds or trade fx with VT markets in France
If you consider yourself a conservative investor:
- Invest a percentage of your investments in stock funds which is equal to 100 less your age; invest the rest in bonds
If you’re considering investing in real estate:
- Avoid paying more than approx. seven times the projected annual rental income for the property and follow these Tips & Advice For Real Estate Agents
If you suspect fraud:
- Contact the National Fraud Information Center at (800) 876-7060
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