Nursing Homes
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
- Make a decision to put a person in a nursing home your last resort, not your first
- Explore options to keep the person at home instead, e.g.:
- Hiring nurses and/or aides to live in and/or visit the person
- Getting help from a hospice group
- Call area office on aging
- Call ombudsmen
If the person must go to a nursing home:
- Compare nursing homes, e.g., at
- Review facilities’ certification and licensing reports
- Check for evidence of patient care violations – on file with state public health department – they are public records – you have a right to see them – you can also ask the nursing home to see their copies – don’t take anything for granted – don’t take "no" for an answer when asking to see records (if they balk, you walk!)
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