Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
Approx. 4 of every 1000 prescriptions are wrong (e.g., wrong dose, allergic reactions, wrong therapy)
Before taking medications:
- Confirm that the medicine has been prescribed for you – never self-medicate
If planning to take more than one medication at a time:
- Don’t take more than one medication at a time before discussing with your doctor
- Check ConsumerMedSafety to ensure the combination isn’t dangerous
Before doctor prescribes medication, especially an antibiotic or heart medication:
- Ensure doctor knows what medications you’re currently taking
- Ensure doctor knows your drug allergy history
- Ask about any changes in the medication’s name or dosage
If you have reduced kidney or liver function:
- Ensure your medication is reduced or changed as appropriate
If your doctor prescribes medication:
- Ask the doctor and/or pharmacist for following (in writing, if feasible):
- Name of the medication
- What the medication is supposed to do
- Dosage
- How and when the medication should be taken
- How long you should take the medication
- Medicines (e.g., over-the-counter), food, drinks, etc. which shouldn’t be taken in combination with the medication
- Activities which should be avoided while taking the medication
- Possible side effects
- What to do if you miss a dose
- Try to use a pharmacy such as Canada Drugs Direct for all of your prescriptions so they will be more likely to catch potentially dangerous drug interactions and/or inappropriate prescriptions
If you administer over-the-counter medication:
- Don’t give aspirin to children can cause Reye’s disease
- Don’t give ibuprofen to children 6 months or younger
- Follow recommended dosage by weight (preferred) or age on container
- Don’t continue medication too long
If any of the following:
Child is 3 months or younger
Child continues to experience discomfort
Child is lethargic
Child has high fever
- Seek medical attention
After you finish taking antibiotics:
- Throw out leftover anti-biotics (misuse of antibiotics leads to their ineffectiveness)
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