Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
Preventing headaches:
- Try avoiding the following potential causes:
- Too much caffeine
- Caffeine withdrawal
- Bright lights
- Alcohol, especially red wine
- Cheese, especially aged cheese
- Chocolate
- Aspartame (artificial sweetener)
- Dairy products
- Hot dogs
- Pizza
- Figs
- Peanut butter
- Meats with nitrates (e.g., salami, bologna)
- Sour cream
- Nuts
- Herring
- Bananas
- Lima beans
- Onions
- Yogurt
- Food additives
- Smell of perfume or scented products
- Missing meals
- Not enough sleep
- Too much sleep
- Grinding teeth (bruxism) during sleep – try wearing a mouth guard
- Staying in one position (e.g., at a computer) for too long
- Stormy weather
- Breathing smoke
- Premenstrual Syndrome reduce salt
- Menstrual migraines • most common type of migraine
- Birth control pills
- Insufficent exercise
Treating headaches:
- Consider trying whichever of the following seem appropriate:
- Vitamins (B, esp. B-2 (Riboflavin))
- Magnesium supplements
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Biofeedback • relaxation therapy which helps you control blood flow, muscle tension
- Herbs (e.g., Feverfew)
- Seeing a chiropractor
- Yoga
If headaches increase in frequency and/or troubling and/or requires medication and/or does not respond to treatments which used to work for you:
- Stop smoking
- Limit caffeine
- Avoid alcohol
If headaches persist:
- See a doctor to determine the possible causes — some headaches are caused by heredity
- Ask your doctor if your headaches might be caused by hormones — a reported 70% of headaches are caused by hormones
- Don’t hesitate to seek treatment even if people tell you to put up with the headaches
- Try to find a hospital or clinic which specializes in headaches
- Migraine headaches are the most common type of headache in children under 7
If your child has one or more of the following indications of a possible migraine headache:
Unexplained vomiting
Stomach pain
Changes in behavior
Sleep disorders
Head-banging episodes
Temper tantrums
- Take your child to a doctor
- Advise the doctor if there is a family history of migraine headaches
- Ask your doctor about treating with:
- Antihistamines
- Antidepressants
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