
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.

  • Don’t try illegal drugs
    • Illegal drugs have killed many people like you
    • Even though you may intend to just try it once and never again, you may be unable to resist the temptation
    • Less dangerous drugs can lead you to more dangerous drugs
    • Money paid for illegal drugs usually funds, eventually, gangs, cartels, etc.

Getting off drugs:

If you’re addicted to an opiate drug (e.g., opium, heroin, codeine):

  • Ask your doctor about medication for opioid addiction and the possibility of going through detoxification using nalmathine (to push the drugs out of your body) and Revia (to help stay off the drugs) – only available to addicts in good physical health – is expensive – is somewhat risky


  • Approx. half of teenagers report being offered illegal drugs

To help keep your child from trying illegal drugs:

  • Instill in your child a desire to not disappoint you – fear of disappointing their parents is reported to be a major reason children don’t use drugs
  • Start talking to your child at an early age about why he/she shouldn’t try drugs
  • Tell your child that you expect him/her to never use illegal drugs
  • Be on the lookout for especially good opportunities to talk to your child about drugs, e.g., after viewing a situation on TV
  • Talk to the parents of children your child associates with:
    • Ask them how you can work together to keep your children away from drugs
    • Ensure they don’t serve alcohol to the children


  • Talk to your child about why he/she shouldn’t try drugs
  • Really listen to what your child has to say (look for indications that he/she is considering trying drugs)

If your child says that his/her friends are doing something that you’re not letting him/her do (e.g., "everyone else does it"):

  • Tell your child that you will call the parents of those children


Thanks for reading!