
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.


If you are taking diet pills and notice unusual breathlessness

  • Immediately see a doctor to determine if you have Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH) – the sooner PPH is diagnosed, the better the chances for recovery

Before meals

  • Avoid drinking alcohol – some believe it increases your appetite. You can also try using weight loss pills which will work also as an appetite suppresant.

During meals

  • Drink lots of water to help fill you up
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid, or only eat small amounts of, foods high in calories from fat (preferably no more than approx. 30% of calories from fat)
  • Take small bites
  • Be aware that there’s often a tendency to eat more when you’re with other people – because you don’t pay attention to how much you’re eating


  • Exercise (see your doctor before beginning a strenuous exercise program)


If you’re considering taking diet pills (medications)

  • Be aware that:

    Phen-Fen (Phentermine Fenfluramine) and Redux have reportedly caused a potentially fatal disease (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (PPH)) in many patients (reportedly caused 20-40 deaths per year in France due to PPH)

    PPH can require that a patient undergo a heart and lung transplant

    PPH may prevent a woman from having children

    PPH may require a patient to use a heart pump for the rest of his/her life

    Phen-Fen and Redux recommended only for people with serious obesity problems

    Some doctors prescribe diet pills to people who do not have a serious obesity problem – doctors may over-prescribe diet pills for the potentially large profits

    There is often a tendency to regain weight after you stop taking the diet drugs

    Most diet pills have side effects

    Most diet drugs are intended to be taken only for a limited duration. Only trust reputable stores such as this uk steroid shop when buying supplements.

    Orlistat (Xenical) is designed for clinically obese people, may deprive the body of key vitamins (a supplement should be considered), can cause gastrointestinal problems, gas and/or diarrhea, and, may increase the risk of breast cancer


Thanks for reading!