
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.

Well before:

  • Decide where to get married:
    • City (consider getting married at your honeymoon location although it might be hard for many guests to attend)
    • Specific location
    • Ask people to perform functions for wedding, e.g.,
      • Maid of Honor
      • Bridesmaids
      • Best Man
      • Groomsmen/ushers
      • Guest book
      • Cut cake
      • Clean up
      • Take gifts
  • Determine which family members should be included in which group photos – to help determine how long it will take and so you can notify family members when you’d like for them to be in place for pictures
  • Decide on a schedule of events including:
    • Pictures of family members
    • Who will do what
  • Type up schedule of events including events which are intended to be at specific times and events which will be done in a specific order, e.g.,
    • Earliest to drop off kids with babysitter
    • Earliest to drop off items for wedding and/or reception
    • Attendees seated for ceremony
    • Pictures, including who should be in pictures
    • Food served (will bride and groom be served first?)
    • Champagne provided
    • Toast by best man
    • Cake cut
    • Bride and groom’s first dance
    • Bride and groom dance with parents
    • Money dance
    • Groom removes garter from bride
    • Groom throws garter to bachelors
    • Bride throws flower bouquet to bachelorettes
    • Bride and groom depart
  • Provide copies of schedule of events to appropriate people, including:
    • Wedding coordinator
    • Photographer
    • Videographer
    • Those you would like included in family pictures
  • Buy gifts for each other

Shortly before:

  • Collect items to take to wedding:
    • Safety pins (to fix clothing problems)
    • Tissue for bride to put in cuff
    • Ring
  • Don’t tie rings on ring pillow too tight

On wedding day:

  • Drop off kids with babysitter
  • Drop off items for wedding and/or reception

Right after ceremony:

  • Pictures, including who should be in pictures


  • Food made available
  • Champagne made available
  • Toast by best man
  • Cake cut
  • Bride and groom’s first dance
  • Bride and groom dance with parents
  • Money dance
  • Groom removes garter from bride
  • Groom throws garter to bachelors
  • Bride throws flower bouquet to bachelorettes
  • Bride and groom depart

After reception:

  • Bride and groom exchange gifts

EXPLORE: Fun, People

Thanks for reading!