Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
Well before:
- Don’t buy treats to give out which could be a choking hazard (e.g., gum, peanuts, hard candies, small toys) or which are not securely wrapped
- Determine if any registered sex offenders live nearby, e.g., familywatchdog.us
- Determine if trick or treating hours have been established for your community/neighborhood, e.g., internet search
If trick-or-treating hours have not been established for your community/neighborhood:
- Try to have trick-or-treating hours established for your community/neighborhood (so residents can be ready and will know that trick-or-treaters before or after the established hours are probably not from the local neighborhood
- Choose a fire-safe (e.g., flame retardant, flame resistant) costume, wig, etc.
- Ensure costume isn’t too baggy (but is loose enough to allow free movement) and is short enough (e.g., above the ankles) to prevent tripping
- Plan to wear comfortable shoes
- Ensure your costume will keep you warm enough, e.g., during trick or treating at night
- Consider having a jacket, scarf, mittens and/or wool cap with you in case you get cold
- Try to use bright colors for visibility by drivers – More American child pedestrians die on Halloween from cars than on any other day of the year
- Use face makeup instead of a mask when feasible
- If wearing a mask, ensure it allows sufficient visibility (e.g., large eye holes to see out of ) and breathing (e.g., large holes for the mouth and nose)
- If wearing a hat, ensure it won’t slide down and obstruct vision
- Avoid unsafe accessories, e.g., plastic swords, knives, other sharp items
- Consider accessories made of cardboard, etc.
- Consider putting reflective tape on the back and front of the costume
- To see which costumes are most popular in your area: frightgeist.withgoogle.com
- Drive very slowly in any area where trick or treaters might be present – more American child pedestrians die on Halloween from cars than on any other day of the year
- Watch carefully for children in the street and on sidewalks or medians getting ready to cross the street
- Remember that children in costumes might not be able to see oncoming vehicles
- Remember that some children may be in dark costumes which may be hard to spot
- Be especially careful entering and exitting driveways, alleys, etc.
General (e.g., parties):
- Stay well clear of candles and open fires (e.g., campfires) – costumes might catch fire easily
- Be very careful about any pranks – someone might not realize it’s a prank and someone could get hurt
Trick or Treating:
Receiving trick or treaters:
- Clear your yard, driveway, walkway, porch, etc. of obstructions, trip hazards, etc.
- Leave your porch light on – so trick or treaters won’t trip on steps, etc.
- Only give properly-wrapped treats
Going trick or treating:
- Have dinner beforehand
- Plan to go as early as feasible, before it gets too dark
- Young children should go with an adult
- For older children going without an adult, ensure an adult knows the route they will be taking, establish a meeting place in case anyone gets separated, and, set a time they need to return by
- Take a cell phone and/or coins for a pay phone
- Take one or more flashlights and extra batteries, and/or, glow sticks
- Do not take a candle, e.g., inside a jack-o-lantern
- Take a whistle – so others can find you
- Take a sturdy bag, e.g., canvas bag, pillow case
- Take a water bottle – so you don’t get dehydrated
- Make it clear that children are not to eat any treats until an adult inspects them for signs of tampering (e.g., pinholes in wrappers, loose wrapping)
- Consider only going to the houses of people you know or in neighborhoods you are familiar with
- Do not accept treats from anyone in a vehicle
- Do not get into the vehicle of anyone you don’t know
- Don’t run
- Stay on sidewalks
- Avoid walking across lawns, etc.
- Don’t cross a street until your entire group is ready to cross together
- Avoiding crossing the street at other than safe intersections
- Do not cross the street between parked cars
- Before crossing the street, look left, right and left again
- Stay away from candles and open fires (e.g., campfires) – costumes might catch fire easily
- Only go to houses which have a porch light on or Halloween decorations lit
- Do not go inside any houses without an adult you know
- If you have a choice, don’t accept treats which are not properly-wrapped (if you receive treats which are not properly wrapped, discard them after trick or treating)
More info:
- From protectamerica.com: Halloween Safety Guide
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