Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
- Approx. 800 people are killed each year while riding bikes
- Children are twice as likely as adults to be hit by a car while riding a bike
Before riding
- Put your name and phone number on your helmet — so someone can call your home if you are seriously injured
- Stretch the muscles in your legs, back, upper torso and arms
- Wear gloves – for comfort while riding and to protect your hands if you fall
- Test your brakes – so you’ll know how quickly you can stop and how much pressure you can apply without flying over the handlebars
If you’ll be mountain biking:
- Be familiar with the terrain you’ll be riding over — to reduce risk of crashing
- Pump
- Spare inner tube
- Tools, e.g., for changing tire
- Lock and key
If you’re going to fall
- Avoid putting all of your weight on either of your hands
- Try to roll your body to reduce the impact
- Stretch
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