
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.


  • Try to talk to your child on the same level, physically (e.g., get on your knees) and intellectually (e.g., person to person)

  • Set a good example for your child

  • Be consistent

  • Give your child some independence as long as it doesn’t endanger him/her

  • Provide structure and guidelines for your child

  • Don’t yell at your child, unless it’s a dangerous situation

  • Don’t make threats you might not carry out

  • Don’t criticize your child’s friends unless necessary

  • Make your child feel comfortable when he/she asks you questions so he/she will ask you when they have questions rather than ask someone else or acting without asking anyone for advice

  • Take advantage of things you and child see at the same time (e.g., on TV) to ask your child:

    • If they have questions about that subject
    • What they think about that subject
  • Be honest with your child (if you’re uncomfortable telling him/her the truth, tell him/her that he/she doesn’t need to know or that you’ll tell him/her later) so they will always know they can trust you

If your child does any of the following:

  • Threatens to bodily harm you or your friends
  • Destroys property
  • Repeatedly exceeds the behavior limits you set for him/her
  • Talk to your family doctor
  • Consider seeking psychiatric counseling for your child

If your child says that his/her friends are doing something that you’re not letting him/her do (e.g., “everyone else does it”):

  • Tell your child that you will call the parents of those children

As often as feasible:

  • Try to take your child to things he/she can do rather than things he/she would just observe to stimulate mental and physical growth
  • Give your child lots of love and support to stimulate mental and physical growth
  • Keep your child busy with interesting and beneficial activities so he/she won’t be tempted by undesirable activities (e.g., trying illegal drugs, vandalism) due to boredom


Before exercising authority over your child:

  • Ensure you are aware of, and understand, what your child is going through, e.g.:

    • Go to the places they go to
    • Listen to the music they listen to
    • Watch the movies they see
    • Volunteer to help in his/her classroom


If your child has access to the Internet:

  • Be aware that many child abusers/molesters use the Internet to gain a child’s trust and set up a one-on-one meeting

  • Warn your child:

    • About child molesters using the Internet

    • To not give out any personal information on the Internet, e.g.,

      • Where you live
      • Where you go to school
    • To never meet with someone who has contacted them on the Internet without your approval

  • Monitor your child’s use of the Internet, including where they spend their time (e.g., specific chat rooms)

  • Consider not letting your child:

    • Send E-mails
    • Use the computer unsupervised

Mother of a girl:

  • Don’t unintentionally make your daughter think that food is bad many mothers unintentionally make their daughters feel that dieting is important, risking anorexia
  • Ensure your daughter understands that the women portrayed in commercials, on magazine covers, etc. are just images and are often airbrushed and/or computer enhanced to help keep your daughter from feeling she needs to lose weight, risking anorexia

Teach your child:

  • To find pleasure in the right things

Visiting friends:

Before letting your child visit a friend’s house:

  • Ask the parents if have guns in the house
  • Tell your child that if they’re in a friend’s house and they see a gun, they must leave or call you right away


Thanks for reading!