
Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.

  • Over 500 children in the U.S. were killed while playing with handguns in 1994
  • Nearly half of households in the U.S. have guns


  • Treat every gun as if it’s loaded
  • Never point a gun at someone or something you don’t intend to shoot at

Buying a gun:

If you are considering buying a gun for self-protection:

  • Consider non-lethal alternatives (e.g. dog, pepper spray), especially if you have children

If you decide to buy a gun:

  • Ensure a gun you buy for self-protection has child-proof trigger locks, and/or,
  • will be kept in lockable case

Owning a gun:

If you own a gun:

  • Realize it’s your responsibility to ensure a child never gets ahold of it
  • Don’t keep guns:
    • Under a pillow
    • Under the bed
    • In an unlocked drawer
    • Loaded
  • Put a trigger lock on the gun
  • Take a firearms course to learn safe handling and storage of guns including any night vision equipment such as a night scope for AR15.
  • Store sporting and hunting guns unloaded, securely locked away, with ammunition stored and locked separately


  • Don’t depend on others to teach your child about the dangers of guns
  • Realize that children are fascinated by guns
  • Realize that sooner or later your child will probably encounter a gun
  • Explain to your children that shootings on TV and in movies are pretend, that real guns kill
  • Tell your child that if he/she sees a gun to:
    • Stop
    • Not touch it
    • Run away and tell an adult
  • Teach your child to treat every gun as if it’s real and loaded โ€šร„ยข real guns are often smaller than toy guns

Before letting your child visit a friend’s house:

  • Ask if they have guns in the house
  • Tell your child that if they’re in a friend’s house and they see a gun, they must leave or call you right away


Thanks for reading!