Here are some things to consider doing. Some items may not be applicable to you.
Before beginning conversation:
- Ensure you know name(s), backgrounds, interests of other person(s)
- Ensure you know what other person(s) hope to gain from the conversation
Before talking:
- Ensure you have the attention of the other person(s)
If necessary:
- Reduce distractions, e.g., music
While talking:
- Maintain eye contact with the other person(s)
While listening:
- Maintain eye contact with the person talking
- Take notes
- Let the other person know if you:
- Can’t hear him/her
- Can’t understand him/her
If you aren’t interested in what the person talking is saying:
- Say that you need to go take care of something
- Offer to call the other person(s) later
Look for indications that the other persons:
- Can hear what you are saying
- Understand what you are saying
- Are interested in what you are saying
Give the other person(s) an opportunity to talk
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